What’s in a Poke Bowl? Let’s Break It Down

There’s one question that has foodies clamoring for answers: What’s in a poke bowl? This delicious meal is easy on the palate, packed with protein and vitamins, and is the perfect companion for beachgoers. There’s no question why this is one of our most talked about and asked for menu options.  

At Kaia Bowls, we live for the chance to share authentic Hawaiian cuisine with our Clearwater guests and neighbors. We invite you to join us as we break down what goes into one of our poke bowls in Clearwater. This may be a bit of a spoiler, but you’ll come to find that what goes into a poke bowl depends entirely on you. 

Drop the Base

Generally, the base of a poke bowl consists of white or brown rice, but you can always have a base of greens for a slimmer meal that’s low on carbs. We’re all about giving our customers choices when it comes to fueling up. 

Pump up the Protein  

You may have heard that poke bowls are giving sushi a run for its money, and for good reason. Poke bowls are a more customizable and easier meal to enjoy. Sure, you can get ahi tuna or salmon if you want, but you can always fill up on grilled chicken or shrimp. In a rush? Pick from our four signature poke bowls and leave the rest to us.   

Fuel up on Fillings

Fillings and protein make for a harmonious pairing that’s both nutritious and scrumptious. A lot of other restaurants try to cheat by pilling on the fillings and skimping on the protein, but that’s not our style. At Kaia Bowls, you can fill your poke bowl with four of our seventeen fillings. You can fill up on seaweed salad, almonds, candy beets, and edamame, just to name a few. Our menu can provide you with a full list of our delicious fillings! 

The Chia on Top 

A poke bowl in Clearwater isn’t complete if it doesn’t have that extra something to make your meal pop. There’s nothing like biting down on a mouthful of poke and hearing the satisfying crunch of tempura flakes, chia seeds, crispy beets, or crispy onions. Alternatively, you can keep it green and top off your poke bowl with cilantro and scallions.  

Not-So-Secret Sauce

The last stage in a poke bowl’s journey includes the addition of a delectable sauce of your choice. We offer hot wasabi, sriracha, and jalapeno aioli for the daring. Or maybe sweet soy, teriyaki, and yum yum sauce are more your speed. Kaia Bowls offers ten distinct sauces to help you put the finishing touch on your perfect poke bowl. 

To Answer the Question

What’s in a poke bowl? Whatever you want! Poke bowls are more than just sushi to go. They’re a nutritious and satisfying meal that is tailored to your liking. And with over forty healthy ingredients, you’re sure to find the combination that’s right for you. When you’re walking along the beach with the sun at your back and wondering what to fill up on, stop by Kaia Bowls to refuel your body and soul with one of our signature poke bowls. 

Are you looking for poke bowls in Clearwater Beach? Discover a healthy taste of paradise at Kaia Bowls! For more information, please call (727) 223-3073 or submit our contact request form.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute health advice and is not intended to be a substitute for professional dietary counsel.

There’s nary a day where our Instagram and Facebook feeds don’t remind us that fitspo models, foodies, and even our parents are indulging in the acai craze. However, unlike the many fleeting trends that come and go seemingly overnight (i.e., man buns, wheatgrass shots, gluten-free everything, and backpacks that are too small to hold anything) the acai berry has managed to firmly supplant itself in the middle of our collective consciousness. But why? What gives the acai berry its uncanny staying power and indefatigability in the face of so many other health food trends?

In this brief article, we’ll outline the three main reasons why you should join the happy-go-lucky army of acai enthusiasts who regularly visit our acai bowl restaurant in Clearwater Beach.

1. The Perfect Introduction to a Healthy Diet

The lifespan of a particular food trend generally says a lot about whether or not it’s actually healthy. Acai berries have managed to stay in the public spotlight for well over a decade despite battles with hyperbole, unrealistic expectations, and multi-level marketing schemes.

Let’s get straight to the point — acai berries are unquestionably a superfood and more than deserving of the nickname “purple gold;” however, they don’t possess magical properties and they aren’t a panacea. That said, they are packed with beneficial nutrients and antioxidants that make them a perfect complement to a healthy diet. More importantly, their delectable flavor gives them the uncanny ability to convert people from fried, fatty snacks to fresh, healthy treats. At Kaia Bowls, our acai bowls contain a cornucopia of freshly sliced fruits and other accompaniments that are sure to satisfy even the pickiest palate.

2. Freshly Prepared, Minimally Processed

Recently, fast food chains have been reinventing their image by boasting about their fresh, never frozen products, but we aren’t falling for these claims. Freshly prepared foods should be prepared in plain sight using minimally processed ingredients, not those sourced from who knows where. When your diet consists of fresh food with no fillers, you minimize your intake of questionable additives like high-fructose corn syrup, artificial food coloring, and glyphosate. We proudly serve acai bowls that contain fresh fruit and wholesome toppings like coconut flakes, hemp seeds, raw cacao nibs, honey, almonds, chia seeds, and more.

3. Research is Starting to Validate Presumptive Claims

As we mentioned above, the initial hype surrounding acai was largely built on unfounded claims, but researchers are beginning to make headway in proving some of these claims true. Studies over the last decade indicate that acai may improve heart health, fight cancer, improve brain function, promote healthy skin, boost gut health, and even support weight loss. Acai enthusiasts happily support these claims, as they are already experiencing the health benefits of acai firsthand.

Are you looking for acai bowls in Clearwater, FL? Discover a healthy taste of paradise at Kaia Bowls! For more information, please call (727) 223-3073 or submit our contact request form.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute health advice and is not intended to be a substitute for professional dietary counsel.

The way you feel is largely dictated by the things you choose to put in your body. There’s no mystery as to why nutritionists and doctors alike constantly impress the importance of a healthy diet. Eating healthy helps prevent illness, supports important bodily functions, and promotes overall wellbeing. You can’t go wrong when you choose to eat foods that are healthy, but there’s a lot of misleading information about what is actually healthy and what is simply foofaraw.

At Kaia Bowls, we offer a wide range of nutritious and diet-friendly foods inspired by authentic Hawaiian cuisine including acai, pitaya, and poke bowls in Clearwater. Check out these three healthy eating trends that actually make good on their claims — all of which can be found at Kaia Bowls.

1. Acai Bowls

When you need a refreshing snack (or meal) that not only tastes great, but also contains a bevy of vital nutrients and antioxidants, there are few foods that can satisfy both your palate and desire to eat healthy. Be that as it may, our acai bowls manage to check both of these boxes.

Acai bowls contain more than just acai. In fact, acai only makes up the delicious base of these bowls. Pile them high with bananas, strawberries, blueberries, and more to unlock new flavors. Sprinkle on coconut flakes and raw cacao nibs to add an extra layer of guilt-free sweetness. And top it off with a drizzle of honey or peanut butter. Our generous acai bowls are a fantastic meal replacement, but they’re also sweet enough to cull those ice cream cravings that threaten your waistline.

2. Pitaya Bowls

Are you already an acai aficionado? Perhaps you’re looking to try something a little different that remixes the acai bowl concept and makes it feel new all over again. Pitaya bowls are another healthy eating trend that can help you feel your best without sacrificing flavor. Pitaya, or dragon fruit, has a subtle sweetness that can be enjoyed day after day. Plus, it’s packed with magnesium and fiber to increase energy and help you control your weight. It’s also a powerful immunity booster.

3. Poke Bowls

Hawaiian poke has been around for well over a century, but it only started to gain popularity stateside in the ‘70s. Typically made from freshly caught tuna and a variety of other ingredients like avocado, seaweed salad, and various fruits and vegetables, poke bowls are rich in protein and low in carbs, making them an ideal option for foodies who are looking to fill up, not fill out. If you’re not keen on seafood, we also offer chicken as an alternative. At Kaia Bowls, we’re dedicated to serving customers the best poke bowl in Clearwater. Come find out for yourself why Hawaiians have been chowing down on poke bowls since pre-colonial times.

Are you looking for a restaurant that serves acai, pitaya, and poke bowls in Clearwater? Look no further! Discover a healthy taste of paradise at Kaia Bowls! For more information, please call (727) 223-3073 or submit our contact request form.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute health advice and is not intended to be a substitute for professional dietary counsel.

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